Analoguetube will be at this years AES show in San Francisco.
The AT-101 -all tube- stereo limiter is a versatile and natural sounding studio limiter / compressor, that share’s the original standard wiring techniques of the day. The development of this equipment represents state of the art passive designs using tried and tested 1950’s tube and transformer technology; this includes the development of the 6386LGP dual triode used in the gain reduction stage. It is hand crafted analogue technology for a digital age. You can see and hear this thoroughly engineered audio limiter / compressor at this years show.
9-12 October 2009
Analoguetube will be at this years AES show in New York with the AT-101 stereo limiter; classic 1950's passive audio equipment, rebuilt for the modern world with new generation 6386LGP tubes, transformers and original parts using the latest in super audio technology. You can see and hear this thoroughly engineered and hand crafted audio limiter / compressor at this years show.
Come and see us at Booth 730
2-5 October 2008
Analoguetube was at Booth 440 this year, showing for the first time the AT-101 Limiter/Compressor. It uses cutting edge component technology from the analogue world. Developed as close to the original Fairchild 670 as possible using the latest passive component technology the AT-101 also shares the 20 tubes and 11 transformers from the original package. It even shares the same wiring turrets! Its also heavy - 30kgs of transformers and inductors heavy. Also launched for the first time were the new generation 6386 remote cut-off tube. It's been several years in development and will be the successor to the original GE 6386 five star version. These tubes will be in a slightly longer package than before, will have gold pins and numbered with laser etching. These new generation tubes will be a direct 9 pin replacement for the old GE 6386 dual triodes. The AT-101 will take either with little or no adjustment to the 'Zero' controls.